250 Northwest Blvd. Suite 210
Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, 83814
System Name and PWS ID#: Gem State Water Bitterroot/Rickel #ID1280260
Important Information about Depressurization Events from Gem State Water
A portion of our water system experienced depressurization on 2-23-24. All service has been restored. We would like you to know that Gem State thoroughly flushed the lines, and coliform bacteria tests collected from the water system came back absent of coliforms and e-coli.
If you have questions or concerns regarding our drinking water, please contact Gem State at www.gemstate-water.com , or by phone at 1.877.755.92
This notice is being sent to you by Gem State Water
PWS ID #:ID1280260. Date distributed: 2-24-23